Experience the difference with Freight Payment, Inc.
- Avoid Carrier Over-Charges
- 100% Freight Bill Audit Down To The Penny
- Both Domestic And International Shipments/Transactions Supported
- Electronic Carrier Invoicing (EDI 210)
- Ad-Hoc Analytics
- Advanced Dashboard Technology
- All Transportation Modes Supported
- Bill Of Lading Match
- Client Specific Audit Rules Supported
- Carrier Remittance
- Effective Data Capture, 120+ Data Elements Per Transaction
- Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
- G/L Coding
- Monthly And Year-End Freight Accruals
- Scanned Imaging And CDs (Carrier Invoices And Bills Of Lading)
- Weekly Statement Billing
Implementation of an effective and efficient freight audit and payment process is essential, but is only the beginning. There are other valuable benefits to be derived, namely the capturing of accurate data and utilization of the data within the context of meaningful metrics reporting and Key Performance Indicators, aka. KPI’s. intended to support an organization’s ability to render sound business decisions on a day-to-day basis. In short, this is the value that Freight Payment Inc. has been providing to its clients since 1993.